Delicious Stuffed Avocado Recipe

Avocado known by many interesting names, including the alligator pear, butter pear and vegetable butter. Avocados have amazing anti-inflammatory properties that fall into five basic categories. Which are omega-3 fatty acids, phytosterols, carotenoid antioxidants, non-carotenoid antioxidants and polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols, also known as PSAs.   The anti-inflammatory properties of the avocado make it beneficial in helping to prevent rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Having such amazing anti-inflammatory benefits also make it a great anti-aging food, as well as a nutrient dense, natural anti-inflammatory for conditions which contribute to chronic inflammation such as Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Avocados are also packed full of dietary fats to provide maximum absorption of necessary fat-soluable phytonutrients. These phytonutrients, which are also known as carotenoids, include lutein, alpha-carotene, beta carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. By adding 150 grams of fresh avocado to your salad or eating avocado with similar foods increases absorption between 200-400%. Remember to peal NOT slice to get more of the green dark green flesh that lies just beneath the skin.

Here’s another fun TPP recipe using super yum avocados. Serve as an appetizer, side dish, or if you LOVE avocados as I do, then enjoy as a meal. 🙂

Stuffed Avocados


2 tablespoons Red Onions, finely chopped
1/4 tablespoons seedless Cucumber, peeled & diced
1/4 cup Grape Tomatoes, diced
3 tablespoons Green Bell Pepper, diced
3 tablespoons Kalamata Olives
1 Garlic Clove, finely minced
1 teaspoon Anaheim Pepper, seeded & finely chopped (optional)
1/2 cup freshly squeezed Lime Juice (to prevent browning & for topping)
2 Avocados, peeled, halved, pitted and rubbed with lime juice
1/4 cup of fresh Cilantro, or Parsley finely chopped (for topping)
1 Head Romaine Lettuce leaves, washed

Combine chopped red onion, cucumber, diced grape tomatoes, bell pepper, kalamata olives, garlic, Anaheim pepper and lime juice. Rub avocado with the remaining lime juice. Top avocado halves with the mixed ingredients, squeeze an ample amount of lime juice on each, then sprinkle with fresh cilantro (or) parsley and for nice added flavor add freshly ground lemon pepper. Place filled avocado halves on your romaine lettuce lined bowl or plate and serve.

Happy 4th of July & A Healthy Red, White & Blue and Summer Fun Recipe

Happy 4th of July to all of our American Friends!! What better way to celebrate than with beautiful, healthy foods, so here’s a quick and easy recipe for your Independence Day Celebration.
Red: Strawberries (organic), White: non-dairy whipped cream, Blue: Blueberries (organic):
  • Hull organic strawberries by removing the green stem or calyx from the top of the berry.
  • Cut the bottom tips for a flat edge, so the strawberries can stand upright.
  • Fill hulled strawberries with non-dairy whipped cream. (MimicCreme Healthy Top Whipping Cream (or) Soyatoo! Rice Whip Vegan & Soy-Free whipped cream (or) Your choice of non-dairy whipped topping.
  • Toss rinsed & dried organic blueberries into a little Organic Blue Agave Nectar for added flavor and a nice shine. (wipe the agave from the bottom of each blueberry to prevent sliding)
  • Top crème filled strawberries with a single blueberry & serve.

Soyatoo! Rice Whip: Available at Whole Foods, Wild Oats & Online Retailers. Soy version also available, which is purely vegetable, organic, raw materials and in part from Fair Trade. TIP: For best results read all instructions:  Leave at room temperature for at least 15 min prior to use. Turn upside down and shake contents toward nozzle. Lift  nozzle & clean thoroughly after each use & be sure to refrigerate storing upside down. (low-carb) If you like Rice Dream Non-Dairy beverage, you’ll really enjoy this topping.

MimicCreme Healthy Top Whipping Cream: Is a delicious, truly non-dairy, non-soy whipping cream! Healthy Top by MimicCreme is made from a healthy blend of organic virgin coconut oil, almonds, cashews, sweet almond oil and natural cane sugar. Healthy Top is also gluten-free, contains NO hidden caseinates (casein is derived from milk) and produced using only non-GMO ingredients. Healthy Top is also cholesterol-free, kosher-parve (parve is a Herbrew term that describes food without any meat or dairy ingredients), contains no hydrogenated oils or trans fats, no high-fructose corn syrup, and no polysorbate 60. Chill as cold as possible, whip and enjoy! 16 fl. oz. resealable container yields approximately 4 cups whipped cream per carton. Available at Whole Foods &

How To Whip MimicCreme Healthy Top:

Nutritional, Gluten-Free, Diary-Free, Low-Starch & Inflammation Friendly Recipes, More Fourth of July Vegan Friendly Recipes

Kale Chips Recipe

I absolutely love kale and consume this amazing green leafy vegetable in many forms, from green drinks and salads to side dishes and even dehydrated in the form of chips!! If you’ve never had the opportunity to try Kale Chips, then this is the perfect time! It’s June, farm stands are open and organic kale is in abundance.

Kale is a member of the cabbage family. It’s high in phytonutrients, fiber, vitamins A , C  & K and provides many healing benefits.  Including anti-inflammatory & cancer fighting properties. Kale comes in many varieties including: Cavolo Nero which is also known as  black kale, dinosaur kale, dragon tongue, lacinato & tuscan kale.  Scotch Kale which has gray-green leaves that are crumpled and curled on the edges. Plain Leaved Kale, which is blue-green in color with long thin leaves. Leaf and Spear Kale which is a hybrid of curly leaved and plain leaved kale. Rape Kale also known as hungry gap kale, because kale is plentiful during the winter season. Another of the curly leaved variety is Red Russian Kale, also known as Ragged Jack Kale, Buda Kale and Fearing Kale, it’s purplish in color with red veins and has more of a jagged edge to its leaves.

When selecting kale look for moist leaves that look fresh, crisp, bright  in color and tender. Avoid wilted leaves that appear dry or yellow because they lack nutritional value.  Dehydrating Kale is a great nutritional replacement for high calorie, high sodium potato chips and other unhealthy snacks. Dehydrating ~vs~ baking is a great way to preserve ever important nutrients and enzymes, while creatively increasing your intake of whole foods.  Having plenty of Kale Chips on hand is a great way of eating fresh kale on the go, at any time.

There are many ways to prepare Kale Chips using various spices and ingredients such as; cashews, paprika, thyme, garlic, nutritional yeast (for a cheezy flavor) cayenne pepper and even chili pepper. I enjoy experimenting with many of these variations, but my favorite is the very simple recipe below:

Ingredients: (2-4) bunches of Scotch Kale , (2) Tbls Olive Oil & (1) Tbls of Bragg Liquid Aminos  (2) Tbls Lemon Juice (1) Tsp of Sesame Seeds (or) Flax Seeds

Step 1) Remove Stems & Any Thick Veins.

Step 2) Rinse & spin dry or gently pat dry kale leaves.

Step 3) Rip into nice bite size pieces and not to small, because kale will shrink during dehydration.

Step 4) Place in bowel and……

Step 4)  Toss with olive oil, Bragg Liquid Aminos, seeds & lemon juice.

Step 5) Place coated kale on dehydrator sheets or lined cookie sheets & dehydrate for 6-8 hours or bake on 100°F-115°F for approximately 2-hours. After 1-hour in the oven be sure to rotate the Kale Chips so they’ll dehydrate evenly.

NOTE: Low & warm settings vary from oven to oven. Some ovens temps settings will not go below 130°F-140°F at which point you’re simply baking your Kale Chips and not dehydrating them. Though still a very healthy snack, some vital nutrients are lost when green leafy vegetables are cooked. If you can not set your oven temp low enough for dehydration and you are “eating for healing” then you might consider investing in a food dehydrator with a temperature setting. If you still prefer to bake your Kale Chips, set your oven at 350°F and bake for 10-15 min.

Voilà! Kale Chips….Enjoy!

This recipe is also vegan & raw vegan friendly. Still have lots of kale left over? Check out The Positive Pear’s other recipes using kale: Nutritional, Gluten-Free, Diary-Free, Low-Starch & Inflammation Friendly Recipes

Raw Kale Salad with Lemon & Anchovy Vinaigrette

I absolutely love Kale in all of its glorious varieties and prepared in many different ways. I often eat kale as a side or an as entire meal, because of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering  and cancer fighting benefits.  This is a fun, tasty recipe for anyone looking to add more vitamin K to their diets.  This dish is perfect for a low-starch/balanced protein diet, and to make more vegan friendly simply omit the anchovies & eggs.  If your not growing your own Dinosaur Kale, be sure to pick up a few bunches from your local Farmer’s Market, Whole Foods or the Organic Produce section of your local grocery store.

Beautiful Kale of Many Names: Dinosaur, Tuscan & Lacinato:


  • 14 ounces organic Dinosaur Kale, devein & remove large stem, thinly slice crosswise (makes approx 8 cups)
  • 6 Anchovy fillets packed in olive oil, drained (Trader Joe’s/approx 174 mg of sodium)
  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed organic Lemon Juice
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 teaspoon 365 Organic Dijon Mustard (Whole Foods) or Spicy Brown Mustard (Trader Joe’s)
  • 3/4 cup Extra-Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil
  •  Freshly ground Black Pepper
  • 1 hard-boiled Egg, peeled


Vinaigrette: Combine the organic lemon juice, anchovies, garlic & mustard in a blender; purée until smooth. Keep the blender running while you very slowly pour in the oil. Season with freshly cracked pepper to taste. Cover and chill.  Can be made 2 days ahead & kept refrigerated.

Using a microplane zester/grater and a small bowl, grate your hard-boiled egg.  I personally choose to use only the egg white, but if you prefer not to waste your egg, continue to grate the yolk as well.  Grating can be done up to 6 hours ahead, simply cover, chill & store separately from other ingredients.

Toss kale and creamy dressing in a large bowl to coat. Add additional freshly cracked pepper if needed. Top with grated eggs and voilà!  Enjoy as a meal or serve as a side dish, compliments of “The Positive Pear”  (to modify for vegan friendly avoid the egg & anchovy)

Other Positive Pear Kale Recipes: “Kale”