Kale Chips Recipe

I absolutely love kale and consume this amazing green leafy vegetable in many forms, from green drinks and salads to side dishes and even dehydrated in the form of chips!! If you’ve never had the opportunity to try Kale Chips, then this is the perfect time! It’s June, farm stands are open and organic kale is in abundance.

Kale is a member of the cabbage family. It’s high in phytonutrients, fiber, vitamins A , C  & K and provides many healing benefits.  Including anti-inflammatory & cancer fighting properties. Kale comes in many varieties including: Cavolo Nero which is also known as  black kale, dinosaur kale, dragon tongue, lacinato & tuscan kale.  Scotch Kale which has gray-green leaves that are crumpled and curled on the edges. Plain Leaved Kale, which is blue-green in color with long thin leaves. Leaf and Spear Kale which is a hybrid of curly leaved and plain leaved kale. Rape Kale also known as hungry gap kale, because kale is plentiful during the winter season. Another of the curly leaved variety is Red Russian Kale, also known as Ragged Jack Kale, Buda Kale and Fearing Kale, it’s purplish in color with red veins and has more of a jagged edge to its leaves.

When selecting kale look for moist leaves that look fresh, crisp, bright  in color and tender. Avoid wilted leaves that appear dry or yellow because they lack nutritional value.  Dehydrating Kale is a great nutritional replacement for high calorie, high sodium potato chips and other unhealthy snacks. Dehydrating ~vs~ baking is a great way to preserve ever important nutrients and enzymes, while creatively increasing your intake of whole foods.  Having plenty of Kale Chips on hand is a great way of eating fresh kale on the go, at any time.

There are many ways to prepare Kale Chips using various spices and ingredients such as; cashews, paprika, thyme, garlic, nutritional yeast (for a cheezy flavor) cayenne pepper and even chili pepper. I enjoy experimenting with many of these variations, but my favorite is the very simple recipe below:

Ingredients: (2-4) bunches of Scotch Kale , (2) Tbls Olive Oil & (1) Tbls of Bragg Liquid Aminos  (2) Tbls Lemon Juice (1) Tsp of Sesame Seeds (or) Flax Seeds

Step 1) Remove Stems & Any Thick Veins.

Step 2) Rinse & spin dry or gently pat dry kale leaves.

Step 3) Rip into nice bite size pieces and not to small, because kale will shrink during dehydration.

Step 4) Place in bowel and……

Step 4)  Toss with olive oil, Bragg Liquid Aminos, seeds & lemon juice.

Step 5) Place coated kale on dehydrator sheets or lined cookie sheets & dehydrate for 6-8 hours or bake on 100°F-115°F for approximately 2-hours. After 1-hour in the oven be sure to rotate the Kale Chips so they’ll dehydrate evenly.

NOTE: Low & warm settings vary from oven to oven. Some ovens temps settings will not go below 130°F-140°F at which point you’re simply baking your Kale Chips and not dehydrating them. Though still a very healthy snack, some vital nutrients are lost when green leafy vegetables are cooked. If you can not set your oven temp low enough for dehydration and you are “eating for healing” then you might consider investing in a food dehydrator with a temperature setting. If you still prefer to bake your Kale Chips, set your oven at 350°F and bake for 10-15 min.

Voilà! Kale Chips….Enjoy!

This recipe is also vegan & raw vegan friendly. Still have lots of kale left over? Check out The Positive Pear’s other recipes using kale: Nutritional, Gluten-Free, Diary-Free, Low-Starch & Inflammation Friendly Recipes

Would You Like A Little Chlorpropham With Your Sweet Potato?

I thought the youtube video below on the sweet potato experiment was a very cute and I truly appreciate Elise’s efforts in drawing awareness to our exposure of Bud Nip (Chlorpropham), also known as, Chloro IPC, CIPC, Furloe, Sprout Nip, Spud-Nic, Taterpex, Triherbide-CIPC and Unicrop CIPC. This is yet another reason to seek out locally grown, organic fruit and vegetables if at all possible.  Even purchasing foods labeled “organic” from your local market can still expose you to chemical cross contamination, as conventional and organic vegetables are shipped together for many days.  There was a time in our history when we had somewhat of a choice when purchasing conventional ~vs~ organic fruits and vegetables, but we are quickly finding out that our exposure to toxic chemicals is much higher than we ever imagined. Continued exposure over time will have adverse effects on our bodies. Those who are battling chronic health conditions want to be particularly mindful of long-term exposure to these types of harsh chemicals.

According to a 1993 Chlorpropham study performed by Cornnell University, it was determined that bud nip or Chlorpropham is moderately toxic by ingestion. It may cause irritation of the eyes or skin. Symptoms of poisoning in laboratory animals have included listlessness, incoordination, nose bleeds, protruding eyes, bloody tears, difficulty in breathing, prostration, inability to urinate, high fevers, and death. Autopsies of these animals have shown inflammation of the stomach and intestinal lining, congestion of the brain, lungs and other organs, and degenerative changes in the kidneys and liver. Long term exposure may cause reproductive issues and malignant tumors.

Are You Eating Real Food? Allergies, Inflammation & Cancer 3 Reasons to Go Organic!

Are You Eating Real Food? For those heavily involved in a holistic, natural and organic lifestyle this is a very familiar topic, but for many this might be your first exposure.  When the subject of healthy eating comes up in discussion, many often feel this is a non-issue because they refrain from eating “junk food,” without knowing that what they’re eating may not be considered healthy or even considered real food.  You’ll soon discover that what you choose to eat may not only make you sick, but it can also exacerbate symptoms of chronic conditions and with a weakened immune system it might also make you more susceptible to other conditions and diseases.

I find it very interesting that word “food” does not represent what we think it does.  We now have to use the term “real food” when referring to foods that have not been modified or tampered with in some way.  Over the last several years I’ve often wondered about the increase in the number of peanut allergies and not only gluten allergies, but gluten sensitivities, food intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bowl disease and the increase in “new” allergens. The most logical explanation that I could come up with for the increased number of peanut allergies was overexposure.  Since at one point you could find traces of peanuts as an ingredient or filler in many food products.  The same for gluten, its an ingredient in toothpaste, shampoo, make-up, gum, lotions, medications, sauces, gravies and all wheat products.  While we’re on the subject of wheat, this is one grain that you’ll want to keep your eye on, because it’s one of the next grains soon to be effected by what you read below.  Why is it that we have such high cases of food allergies and high levels of food intolerance IBS and IBDs, especially now when compared to 15 or 20 years ago? What happens to the GI Tract after it’s been exposed to toxic chemicals over long periods of time? You’ll discover the answers to many of these questions as you read on.  Once you begin to take a closer look at what we’ve been exposed to, you’ll quickly realize that overexposure is only a small glimpse into a much larger issue. To really understand where we are today, we’d have to travel back to the mid 90’s when we stopped eating real food.

 In 1996 the food industry changed and not necessarily for the good. New proteins were engineered into our food supply to maximize profitability in the food industry.  This was after synthetic protein hormones were injected directly into cows with adverse reactions in 1994, so the government had to find another way,which was adding the synthetic protein directly to the livestock food supply. While the US allowed the use of GMO proteins because it had not been proven dangerous, Canada, Australia, the UK, and 27 other European countries did not allow its use, because there were no studies available to show how these chemicals effected the livestock much less the effects on human health after consumption. When you hear the term “synthetic protein hormone” you have to wonder about both the long-term and short-term effects of exposure to elevated hormone levels on humans and if there’s a link to breast, prostate, colon cancer and other types of cancers.  In 2008 Dr. Leonard Hardell and Dr. Mikael Eriksson of Sweden, revealed clear links between one of the world’s biggest selling herbicide, glyphosate (commonly known as Roundup, marketed by Monsanto), to non-Hodgkins lymphoma, a form of cancer. Keep this in mind as you read along.  According to Livestrong and American Cancer Society, the US has the highest rates of cancer than any other country in the world. If you move to the US from another country your chances of developing cancer increase exponentially. According to cancer research studies 1 out of 2 american men and 1 out of 3 american women will develop cancer at some point in their lifetime.  1 out of 8 american women will develop breast cancer and out this group only 1 in 10 is genetic.  This means that 9 out of 10 of these cases are environmentally triggered.  These chemicals which cause allergic reactions, and trigger the inflammatory response in the body are also responsible for the increased incidents of certain types of cancer.

During the time that our milk supply was being engineered with a new synthetic protein there was an increase in the number of allergies, especially those dairy related. As dairy allergies were on the rise, so were other types of allergies. Since dairy is one of the top 8 allergens, you would not have to venture far to identify the next genetically modified food.  To no surprise soy was also engineered by scientist, with increased profits as the motivator,  especially since the primary use of soy was to fatten livestock. Scientists were able to modify the soybean, by taking genes from bacteria and forcing it into DNA of the soybean plant, causing it to produce a protein that would allow it to withstand increasing amounts of Monsanto Roundup Herbicide by absorbing its main ingredient glyphosate.  Soy is known as the first Roundup Ready crop, and was produced at Monsanto’s Agracetus in 1991.  In 1996 the US incorporated this newly modified bean into our food source. If this isn’t enough to make you cringe, just wait to hear what scientist were able to do with corn. There was an increasing concern of insecticide being sprayed over cornfields, so scientist were able to genetically modify corn by engineering this very insecticide into the DNA of a corn seed, so that as the corn plant grew it released its own insecticide.  As a result, corn was then regulated by the EPA as an insecticide. So in essence, when we eat GMO corn we are essentially eating an insecticide.

Those of us who suffer from chronic inflammatory conditions and auto-immune disease want to be especially mindful of these facts, because these same harmful chemicals can also exacerbate these conditions and make those of us with weakened immune systems even more susceptible. Symptoms such as inflamed irritated stomachs, discoloration of stomach lining, leakage of intestines, as well as behavioral symptoms of irritability and anti-social behavior have been associated with animals who consume glyphosate. Inflammatory bowel disease in humans has risen 40 percent since 1992, though the consumption of GMO foods and IBD have not been scientifically linked, there are many scientist who suspect a connection. Don Huber, Emeritus Professor at Purdue University and senior scientist on USDA’s National Plant Disease Recovery System, a plant physiologist and pathologist for over 40 years. Addressed many of his concerns in a  letter to the US Secretary of State Tom Vilsak which was leaked in February 2011. He speaks about a pathogen “new to science” in glyphosate-tolerant GM crops and its negative physiological effects on plants, crops, animals and humans.  If you have doubts on the effects of ingesting GMO foods simply read the warning label of any herbicide or pesticide.

You might wonder how these foods were introduced into our food supply without human trials.  Well, thanks to a term known as “substantial equivalence”, a conceptual tool used by the tobacco industry to facilitate the approval process of something for which no human trials had been conducted, we were exposed without our consent. Its was in 1997 that legalization of Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical marketing was enacted by the Food and Drug Administration, approximately one year after GMO foods were introduced into our food supply. Timely, and a great opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry to capitalize on the many sick people who GMO foods would soon create.

The FDA has very strict food labeling regulations, even the organic food industry has to meet a rigid criteria before food products can carry the USDA Organic label.  Despite the fact that mandatory labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods in the United States has been proposed, there has been no law passed requiring it.  At least 35 other countries have adopted mandatory labelling for any product that has been genetically modified. The European Parliament passed laws in July 2003 on products containing GMO foods, lifting the seven-year ban on the introduction of new biotech products. As of April 18, 2004, all products containing an ingredient that contains more than 0.9 per cent of GMOs must be labelled. Animal feed containing GMOs will also must be labelled. One way to protect ourselves here in the US is to grow our own organic foods and when you must purchase foods, buy organic or look for foods labeled Non-GMO project verified. Keep in mind that all livestock has been exposed to genetically modified foods so this effects, beef, chicken, pork, eggs, milk, soy, corn, and all products carrying these ingredients,which are countless.  In the mid to late 90’s when I became aware that we were being exposed to GMO foods, I made the decision to go 100% organic. In spite of this effort I know there were many times that I or my family members were exposed to GMO foods and that was anytime we weren’t eating at home.  Though I’m grateful that I was able to make the decision to purchase organic foods, some people can not afford to make this same choice.  It’s frustrating to know that our tax resources have gone to subsidize the growth of the crops with chemicals and GMO foods. While organic food farmers who grow foods without harmful chemicals are charged absorbent fees, which they in turn to pass on to us.  Plus, they are not privy to the same  insurance and marketing that GMO food farmers have. Even conventional farmers are adversely effected, now having to pay royalties on these newly engineered seeds or risk being sued.

Tell the FDA that we have a right to know what’s in our food

What about the manufacturers who use GMOs in their food products? Kraft, General Mills, Kellogg, Coke, Pepsi, Heinz and Walmart meet the demands of their consumers in other countries by using non-GMO foods in their products that they distribute outside of the US. Ironically these same companies have jumped on the “organic” money train by offering organic products or purchasing long-standing organic brands. (We’ll question the integrity of these organic products in another post.) If these companies can make these non-GMO food exceptions for other countries, certainly they can distribute these affordable products here in the US, giving us the ability to choose as consumers. Of course, costs become an issue when GMO has become the industry standard, but it is possible as a corporation to thrive in a non-GMO environment. Take the Pro-Terra Foundation for example, who announced that since 1996 it has distributed 4.8 million tonnes per year of traceable and verified socially responsible, environmentally stable, non-GM soy and in a bid to encourage more food manufacturers to switch to non-GM soy, cereals and grains, plus they’ve introduced a new not-for-profit organization consumer orientated logo which has been set up around the established ProTerra standard.

You have to also wonder about the impact that being exposed to these high toxicity levels has had on our healthcare dollars, not just us individually but also a country.  The US spends more on healthcare than any other country in the world, 16% of our gross domestic product or (GDP) goes to managing disease. Companies spend more money on healthcare for their employees then they do on the products they actually sell or promote. This not only affects us individually but it affects our country’s competitiveness in the global marketplace.

We’ve been exposed to genetically modified foods for the past 16 years, this is enough time to learn of  it’s harmful effects. Most recently there have been studies which show an increase in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, childhood leukemia, breast cancer, while also causing cardiovascular, nerve, respiratory, kidney, liver, and gastrointestinal damage. As well as reproductive damage resulting in infertility, sterility, birth defects, infant mortality relating to the consumption of GMO Soy and the ingredient glyphosate. A great quote to ponder from health advocate Dr. Mercola “I strongly believe that one of the most obvious clues about the danger of GMO foods are that just about EVERY species of animal that is offered a GMO food versus a non-GMO food will avoid the GMO one. Many times they will do this to the point of starvation, as they have an intuitive sense of the danger of this food.” What can we do when our own government can not see the error in its ways?  Well, we can’t afford to wait for legislature or regulation, we need to continue driving awareness and begin making the needed changes regarding our own individual health, whether we’re considered healthy or afflicted, and the health of our families by choosing to purchase, eat and grow real, natural and organic foods. This will in turn influence our communities and corporations while ultimately effecting the economy. Once we begin to take on this personal responsibility, combined with determination and passion, in the words of Robin O’Brien “we have the ability to effect remarkable change.”

Soy first Roundup Ready CropStatus of GMO Wheat, Herbicide Tolerance,” New Study Links Monsanto’s Roundup to cancer,” – June 2001,  GMO Soy Linked to Infant Mortality in Rats,  The Pesticide Education CenterThe Chemical Injury Information Network (CIIN)The Unhealthy Truth, Pro-Terra StandardSeeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating, Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods,

Eat Foods High In Amino Acids to Feel Great & Manage Symptoms

Amino Acids are protein building blocks and proteins are the building blocks of life itself.  There are 20 which are crucial to human heath, relating to growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues.  Nine of these amino acids are considered essential and required through proper nutrition, which will enable the body to produce the required protein.   These are: leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, phenylalanine and histidine.  The eleven non-essential amino acids are arginine, alanine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamine, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine, and tyrosine.

Many non-essential amino acids may not be required for protein building, but through much research it has been discovered that they are instrumental in healing and relieving symptoms of many conditions, thus used therapeutically.  Many with chronic health conditions often have deficiencies of both essential & non-essential amino acids. Conditions and symptoms such as,  Allergies, Ulcers, Anemia, Osteoarthritis, Autoimmune Arthritis such as Rhumatoid Arthritis & AS, lupus, cerebral palsy, certain cancers, depression, cognitive issues,  insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, associated with CFIDS (chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome), musculoskeletal pain and discomfort associated with Fibromyalgia, Ankylosing Spondylitis, IBD, ADD (attention deficit disorder) & ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), as well as others. Amino acids work synergistically with many drugs and treatments, so interactions are not ordinarily a concern, but if you have decided to supplement with amino acids, your doctor should be informed.  A few Therapeutic aminos are L-histidine, L-Carnitine, L-Taurine & L-Tyrosine.  L-Trosine is often low in individuals battling depression, as well as those suffering with kidney disease. L-Theanin is found in green tea and is said to help relieve the symptoms of stress and anxiety, while enhancing focus and concentration. Which is perfect for those who are cognitively challenged, as with ADD & ADHD, Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyaglia.

Nine of the essential amino acids can be found in protein rich foods such as red meat, poultry, seafood and dairy products. Plant foods, such as vegetables, fruits and grains, will only provide some of the nine essential amino acids. For this reason, a vegetarian diet should be balanced to ensure  that amino acids are derived from all parts of  the diet. Vegetable sources of protein such as nuts, beans, and grains are incredibly healthy, because they not only provide amino acids, but additional nutrients such as fiber, vitamins A and C.

If you are able to eat and digest protein rich foods such as meat, poultry, seafood & dairy products then you are more than likely getting your required amounts of amino acids.  However keep in mind that many chronic health conditions can prevent absorption of many vitamins, minerals and amino acids through food intake, so supplementing might be required. Since our protein requirements are actually lower than most people consume, below are many fruit & vegetables sources of amino acids which you can easily add to your existing diet:

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a low-starch or low-carb food friendly list, rather its to provide overall information on foods which are high in amino acids.

Alanine – Main source being alfalfa, but also found in: celery, carrot, lettuce, cucumber, turnips, green pepper, spinach, plums, apples, guavas, grapes, oranges, almonds and strawberries.

Arginine – alfalfa, carrots, green leafy vegetables, beetroots, cucumber, celery, lettuce, radishes and potatoes.

Aspartic acid – carrots, celery, radishes, cucumber, mint, tomatoes, turnips, lemons, grapefruit, apples, plums, pineapples, melons and almonds.

Cystine – alfalfa, beet roots, carrots, cabbages, cauliflower, onions, garlic, apples, pineapples, raspberries, raisins.

Glutamic acid – found in carrots, turnips, cabbages, celery, beetroots, mint, lettuce, spinach and papaya.

Glycine – carrots, turnips, celery, mint, alfalfa, spinach, garlic, potatoes, figs, oranges, raspberries, pomegranates, melons and almonds.

Histidine – radishes, carrots, cucumber, beetroots, celery, garlic, onions, turnips, alfalfa, spinach, pineapples, apples, pomegranates and papaya.

Hydroxy glutamic acid – carrots, mint, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, grapes, raspberries, plums.

Hydroxy praline – carrots, lettuce, beetroots, turnips, cucumber, plums, cherries, figs, radishes, grapes, olives, pineapples, almonds and coconut.

Lodogorgoic acid – carrots, celery, spinach, tomatoes, lettuce and pineapple.

Isoleucine – papaya, olives, coconuts, almonds, apricots, pistachios and walnuts.

Leucine – coconuts, almonds, apricots, papaya, olives, pistachios and walnuts.

Lysine – carrots, cucumber, beetroots, mint, celery, spinach, turnips, alfalfa, germinates soyabeans, plums, pears, papaya, apple and grapes.

Methionine – cabbages, garlic, cauliflower, pineapples and apples.

Norleucine ( NLE a form of lucine)

Phenylalanine – carrots, beetroots, spinach, mint, tomatoes, pineapples and apples.

Proline –carrots, beetroots, lettuce, turnips, cucumber, plums, cherries, figs, grapes, olive, oranges, pineapples, coconuts and almonds.

Serine –radishes, garlic, onion, carrots, beetroots, celery, cucumber, mint, spinach, cabbage, alfalfa, papaya, apples and pineapples.

Threonine – carrots, green leafy vegetables, alfalfa and papaya.

Thyroxine – carrots, celery, lettuce, turnips, spinach, tomatoes and pineapples.

Tryptophane – beetroots, carrots, celery, spinach, alfalfa and turnips.

Tyrosine – alfalfa, carrots, beetroots, cucumber, lettuce, mint, spinach, green pepper, plums, strawberries, cherries, apples, melons, figs and almonds.

Valine – carrots, turnips, sweet gourd, celery, mint, beetroots, tomatoes, apples, pomegranates and almonds.

When supplementing  look for free form amino acids and you’ll want products with a full amino acid profile, many will read “amino acid complex.” such as with protein powders or protein drinks. Amino acids work synergistically with vitamins and minerals, thus working naturally with our bodies. Though it is preferred that we obtain vitamins, minerals, as well as amino acids through our diet, when we are chronically sick or have malabsorption issues such as those related to chronic inflammation & IBD, supplementing  just might be required. Be careful of taking excessive amounts of amino acids and be sure to follow label instructions.

Braggs Liquid Aminos

Food based Amino Acid Supplements: Braggs Liquid Aminos NON-GMO soy (contains 16 amino acids/8 essential.) This product is great to use in place of regular and potentially GMO contaminated soy sauce. Should not be cooked or heated.

Coconut Aminos

Coconut Aminos by Coconut Secrets contains 17 naturally occurring amino acids. Nutrient-dense, certified organic, dairy free, gluten-free, soy-free and raw-vegan friendly.

By ensuring that you are eating foods that are high in amino acids, or that you are supplementing via a well balanced protein powder or free form amino acids, you are improving your chances for optimal health, greater energy, strength, recovery, improved muscle definition, beautiful skin, better mood, better memory and enhanced brain function. Incredibly beneficial in combating fibrofog, pain and stiffness relating to Ankylosing Spondylitis and the multitude of symptoms associated with Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, including depression.

Amino Acids, Angelo P John research based on amino acid cancer therapy, amino acid, amino food guide courtesy of Naturopathy for Perfect Health. The Healing Power of Organic, Real Food, Superfoods & Whole Foods, Nutritional, Gluten-Free, Diary-Free, Low-Starch & Inflammation Friendly Recipes

Rainbow Fruit Kabobs (Low-Starch Friendly)

Rainbow Fruit Kabobs

A Beautiful Fruit Platter for Any Occasion. No Cooking Involved! Fun, Simple, Easy & Healthy.

The idea of a “Rainbow Fruit Kabob” is to select fruit that matches the colors of the rainbow using low-starch options:

RED: Strawberries, Raspberries, Watermelon (or) Cherries

ORANGE: Oranges, Tangerines (or) Mangos (ripened naturally for lower starch) (or) Cantaloupe (higher starch)

YELLOW: Yellow Watermelon/Santa Claus Melon (or) Pineapple (ripened naturally not picked early & cold stored) (or) sliced & peeled Peaches (higher starch)

GREEN: Kiwi, Green Grapes, Honeydew Melon

BLUE: Blueberries, Blackberries

PURPLE: Grapes

Press onto your “Wooden Kabob Skewers” either 1 piece of each fruit to have more of the skewer showing, or double up to cover the skewer completely.  Chill, Serve & Enjoy!

TIP 1: Your kabobs can be made up to 12 hours in advance. When doubling the fruit on your kabob, keep in mind that the fruit on the ends might collapse under the weight of kabob. How much fruit you use depends on how long your kabobs will sit prior to eating.

TIP 2: When pealing oranges use an extra sharp knife to cut into small/medium triangle shapes. The pith of the orange is packed full of Bioflavonoids, Antioxidant and Vitamin C, but it’s not the most attractive on a platter.  One way to get the best of both worlds is to peel away the pith from the sides of the orange pieces that are most visible, perhaps leaving some pith on the bottom, hidden portion.

TIP 3: If you’re not growing your own produce, be sure to visit & support your local Farm Stands or Farmer’s Markets for fruit picked at their appropriate times, or visit “pick your own” farms. Organic, Non-GMO foods are best, because it limits our exposure to harmful chemicals. If there are no Farm Stands or Farmer’s Markets in your area, consider Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods or a local health food store. A last resort would be the organic food section of your local market, but be mindful that there is the risk of chemical cross contamination, due to shipping methods. Also note that supermarket fruit & veggies are picked long before they are ripe, then shipped in freezers and often from other countries.  This method deprives the fruit & us of valued nutrients. Whenever possible buy local and be sure to keep a good chemical free fruit & veggie wash on hand to rid your fruit of waxes, chemicals and surface pesticides. Environné is a great brand @ approx $3.99 per 16 oz bottle, at your local Trader Joe’s (or) Rebel Green which is Kosher Certified, sold for $5.99 per 16oz bottle at Whole Foods.

Are You Eating Real Food? Allergies, Inflammation & Cancer 3 Reasons to Go Organic!

Nutritional, Gluten-Free, Diary-Free, Low-Starch & Inflammation Friendly Recipes

The Healing Power of Organic, Real Food, Superfoods & Whole Foods