Sat Nam Breathing Technique to Reduce Stress

Long-Deep Breathing Technique used in Yoga & Meditation to Release Stress, Allowing the Mind & Body Much Needed Recovery.

This breathing technique calms the mind and soothes the emotions. Use at night prior to bed or at anytime during the day when you are experiencing high stress periods. Lie down on your back if possible, or trying sitting someplace calm & comfortable. Close your eyes, breathe through your nose. On your inhalation, fill your belly with air, pushing your stomach up to ceiling. Complete the exhale, relax your belly and bring your stomach back into its normal relaxed position. Continue the process for 3 to 11 minutes. Inhale positive thoughts & feelings, and exhale (a.k.a. release) negative emotions:

Repeat this Mantra 3xs:

Today I will…
INHALE health and EXHALE disease
INHALE strength and EXHALE weakness
INHALE energy and EXHALE fatigue
INHALE faith and EXHALE fear
INHALE peace and EXHALE tension
~Sat Nam~

Wishing you pain free days & many stress free moments.

Today I will renew myself by letting go of all expectations.

Natural Stress Management Techniques via The Positive Pear

The Positive Pear Blog: Holistic Health & Whole Body Wellness for Invisible Chronic Illness