Very Cherry Berry Smoothie

Very Cherry Berry Non-Dairy Smoothie

1 Cup Frozen Trader Joe’s Very Cherry Berry Blend

(or) your own mixture of frozen Cherries, Blackberries, Blueberries & Red Raspberries

1 Organic Banana (optional)

1/2 cup of Zico Coconut Water

1/2 Trader Joe’s Vanilla Almond Smooth Non-Dairy Beverage*

(or) 1/2 Cup of MimicCreame Organic Almond & Cashew Cream*

1/4  Trader Joe’s Organic Apple Grape Juice Blend

1 Serving of  AmaZing Grass Green SuperFood

Add all liquid ingredients to the blender followed by the frozen Very Cherry Berry Blend. Turn the blender on low and allow ingredients to mix slowly while you pour in a scoop of the AmaZing Grass. This Green SuperFood adds a very nice color to your berry blend, giving it a very rich deep red color. While also providing a great boost of  whole foods, antioxidants, fiber, enzymes and probiotics.

*Note: Add either the Almond Milk (or) the MimicCreme Almond & Cashew Cream, both are delicious and sweetened naturally, but the two together in this smoothie would make it far too sweet.

You’re getting your potassium with the coconut water, so bananas are completely optional and only change the taste of this smoothie slightly. I have this smoothie daily and often without bananas and it tastes great either way.

        Kid Friendly Version:

1 Cup Frozen Trader Joe’s Very Cherry Berry Blend

1/2 Cup Traders Joe’s Orange, Peach, Mango Juice Blend 

1/4 Cup Organic Apple Grape Juice Blend

1/4 Cup Trader Joe’s Vanilla Almond Smooth Non-Dairy Beverage

1 Organic Banana

1/4 to 1/2 scoop of AmaZing Grass KIDZ SuperFood Wild Berry Flavor

*The AmaZing Grass KIDZ Wild Berry Flavor is VERY Berry tasting. I can only use a very small amount for my daughter’s smoothies. Play around with serving to see what your child likes.